Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan
Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan
The Low Carbon Action Plan 2022 (PDF, 1 MB) sets out how the council will seek to deliver strategic priorities of the Low Carbon Framework as an organisation. The Action Plan is structured around the seven strategic priorities as follows:
Framework Priorities
Our behaviour
Strategic Priority 1: Engage with employees, residents, communities and partners and encourage positive behaviour change to reduce the city's carbon footprint through influencing individual choices
Policies and operational practices
Strategic Priority 2: Adapt the policies and operational practices of our organisations to embrace and support carbon initiatives, including climate resilience and offsetting, procurement, governance and engagement.
An energy efficient built environment
Strategic Objective 3: Improve energy efficiency of existing homes and buildings and infrastructure and work towards zero carbon for new homes and buildings.
Renewable energy generation and storage
Strategic Objective 4: Develop renewable energy generation and storage, and renewable / district heating schemes.
Low carbon transport
Strategic Priority 5: Develop low carbon transport modes such as walking, cycling, rail, Metro, electric and innovative technologies for buses and private vehicles. Help make public transport a far more attractive choice and improve the interchange between all modes of sustainable travel.
Green economy
Strategic Priority 6: Grow the city's green economy, and engage with businesses to work towards environmental sustainability.
Consumption and waste
Strategic Priority 7: Reduce the volume of all consumption and waste, changing what we consume and how it is produced, continuing to avoid the disposal of waste by landfill and increasing opportunities to reuse materials and recycle waste wherever possible.
The council will regularly monitor progress in the delivery of the Action Plan and aims to publish an annual report setting out progress made against each of the identified actions.