Business support and advice

The Business Investment Team can provide advice and information to those who want to:

  • Establish a new business in Sunderland
  • Grow an existing business in Sunderland
  • Extend their market overseas
  • Invest in or relocate to Sunderland

Sunderland is a city with a strong heritage of making things well - from glass to ships. In the present day it has a proven track record of attracting, encouraging and nurturing successful enterprises, from manufacturing to emerging technologies. This is because Sunderland is an easy place to do business and Sunderland City Council's Business Investment Team is here to provide long-term support. 


Professional and confidential, friendly and approachable, the team understands what a business needs - from software and creative start-ups, to small businesses across a range of key sectors, to multi-national inward-investors - and will assist you to develop your businesses goals in the City either directly or, where appropriate, refer you to key partners/associates.


We can support you in your search for the perfect business premises, whether that is in one of our state of the art managed business centres - Sunderland Software Centre, Evolve Business Centre at Rainton Bridge, or Washington Business Centre - or in industrial or office premises of varying size available throughout the area, finding appropriate land on which to build your own premises, or a bespoke option.

Support available includes providing up to date vacant property listings, carrying out detailed searches, arranging viewings with property agents and accompanying you with viewings where appropriate. We can also support and signpost creative practitioners to shared workspaces.


We can provide bespoke assistance to companies across a range of key sectors with growth opportunities. Key sectors include digital/technology/software, business & professional services, automotive, manufacturing and the broader creative industries.


Businesses of all sizes, from a range of sectors, are already exporting their goods and services from their base in Sunderland. We can help you to explore new markets through our partnerships and contacts.

Get in touch

Contact us for business support and advice

Business and Investment in Sunderland, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA

T +44 (0)191 561 1194


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