Low Carbon

In December 2020 Sunderland City Council and other organisations in the city signed up to a Low Carbon agreement.
This explains what we can do in Sunderland to stop adding to the climate emergency by keeping temperature rises across the world to under 1.5 degrees.
It sets out ways that everyone can do their bit to make Sunderland, carbon neutral by 2040 and to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. It includes,
- How we travel - to lower pollution from cars and other vehicles
- What we can do at home to use less energy and waste less
You can read more about the agreement here:
Sunderland Low Carbon Framework (PDF, 3 MB)
This framework is supported by an Action Plan for each of the organisations that are involved. You can read more about the council's action plan here:
Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan
You can find out about lowering climate change in Sunderland including what are we doing, what you can do, and how we can support you, on our mysunderland website: A Low Carbon City
You can contact the Low Carbon Team at lowcarbon@sunderland.gov.uk