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Scrutiny Committees

Find out more about Sunderland's scrutiny committees, when they meet, the issues they are looking at and how you can get involved.

Scrutiny in Sunderland aims to ensure that the outcomes delivered by council services and partners are enhancing the quality of life of all who live and work in the city. They do this by:

  • Considering decisions the council executive will take
  • Holding the councils executive to account by reviewing decisions before they are implemented
  • Investigating and reviewing public services
  • Performance management of services and recommendations for improvement

There are 4 Scrutiny Committees in Sunderland for further information please use the links below

Scrutiny coordinating committee is the overarching committee which looks at the Budget, Corporate Plan and Performance Monitoring.

Children, Education and skills scrutiny committee looks at any matter relating to services for children, young people and their families.

Economic prosperity scrutiny committee is concerned with Economic Masterplan, Licensing & Trading Standards, Strategic Transport, Environmental services, Libraries, heritage and tourism.

Health and wellbeing scrutiny committee is involved in issues relating to the planning, provision and commissioning of health services for adults and children.

To find out more about scrutiny in Sunderland you might find the Annual Report useful. 

All Scrutiny meetings are held in public and if you are thinking of coming along to a scrutiny meeting the Scrutiny Handbook can help explain what to expect. A copy is available from

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