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Services in your local community

Information, advice and guidance

Information, advice, and guidance is available via multiple points throughout the city, including the council, health partners, housing partners and voluntary and community sector organisations.

This also includes details of all services available in local communities across Sunderland including:

  • Meals and shopping services
  • Transport
  • Social and leisure activities
  • Keeping active
  • Looking after yourself

The council delivers its information via key online sources which can be found at:

Sunderland City Council also commissions Washington Mind to deliver the Wellbeing Information Directory (opens new window).

Age UK

Age UK helps people to regain or maintain confidence and independence. It helps residents to find support networks if they feel anxious, lonely, or isolated or have difficulty leaving their home. A variety of prevention services are provided such as lunch clubs, exercise classes, befriending services, transport services, community support clubs, hospital discharge services and other social activities.

If you think you or someone you know could benefit from support from Age UK, referral forms can be found at Age UK Sunderland (opens new window) or you can speak with them directly by calling 0191 514 1131.

Day care opportunities at Bishopwearmouth Horticultural Nursery

Bishopwearmouth Horticultural Nursery is a unique non-traditional day service offered by Sunderland City Council, providing learning and work-based opportunities for adults with disabilities and mental health needs.   

With the support of trained staff, people are offered a wide choice of activities within horticulture/floristry and retail.

The day opportunities are available for anyone aged 18 years and over and who live in the Sunderland area. People can access the service using their own finances or through using individual budgets. One to one support and personal care are not available.

Find out more about the day care opportunities at Bishopwearmouth Horticultural Nursery.

See services in your local community

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