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The wheelchair service is available to children and adults in Sunderland who are registered with a Sunderland GP and who have permanent problems with their mobility as a result of a long-term health condition or disability.

Our team provides manual wheelchairs and works in partnership with the Regional Rehabilitation Engineering Mobility Service to provide powered wheelchairs.

Our assessment team consists of health and social care professionals with experience of working in the community with Sunderland residents, and their families and carers.

Our aim is to work with customers to find out what is important to them, matching their wheelchair to their individual needs.

The assessor may visit you in your own home or ask you to attend an appointment in school if you are of school age, or at the wheelchair clinic, which is based at Independent Living Centre, Claymere Road, Sunderland, SR2 9TS.

Our team works with a range of equipment and can also assist you to purchase the wheelchair of your choice by applying for a Personal Wheelchair Budget. This is a nationally driven initiative which is designed to help wheelchair users achieve greater choice and control in the way their needs are met.

The wheelchair service can be contacted directly telephone on 0191 561 8938 or by email at

Following an assessment, customers waiting for the delivery of a powered wheelchair can contact Regional Rehabilitation Engineering Mobility Service directly on 0191 223 1554.

Customers who need a repair or service to either a manual or powered wheelchair should contact our approved repairer Rosscare on 0191 415 5151.

Temporary requirements

If you have a temporary need, or visiting the area, there are suppliers such as the British Red Cross, who will hire or rent you a wheelchair.

The service does not provide mobility scooters.

We keep in touch with our customers once they have been provided with their wheelchair by making regular calls through a telephony app to check that the wheelchair is still meeting their needs and in good working order. Our dedicated front door team will reach out to customers who indicate through the app that there is a problem, or they need some additional support.  

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