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Laura Hind

When I was growing up Sunderland was a lot different, it was a town, but it wasn't just any town, it was the biggest town in Europe!   

Now it has moved on! And I continue to move with the city! Seven years ago, I started my own business 'Time4Calm' and work as a freelance life coach and facilitator.  I retrained during lockdown with the 'Jay Shetty certification school' to update my knowledge and skills and be of greater service to those I coach. Being a life coach, being 'nosey' by asking questions becomes a habit which definitely comes in handy when starting out as an 'Ageing Well Reporter'.  

I really enjoy listening to the people of Sunderland and the stories they want to tell. Why? Because it feels good to be listened to and it's also very healthy to 'get stuff off your chest'!  

Last year I started another 'journey' but much further afield, I took on the challenge of walking the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage that crosses over the pyrenes and covers 500 miles! It was life changing and I hope I get to share my experience with you in the future, however one thing I am delighted to share with you right now, is that my walk has inspired another Ageing Well Ambassador to walk it this May, exactly one year after I left for France!      

I've had many lessons over the years and one lesson I've embedded is that perspective is everything and as I approach turning 60, I have decided not to see it as 'going downhill' but to continue moving forward and celebrate my achievements throughout my 50's and feel thankful I got to experience so much, the pleasant and the not so pleasant and the ones still yet to come.  

Being older and wiser, it's important to remember the wisdom we've gained from all our experiences and find ways in which to share our life lessons with others, especially the younger generation who are starting out on their own 'Camino'.       

This is one of the biggest reasons as to why I wanted to be an Ageing Well Reporter, to allow others an opportunity to share their wisdom from their very own life experiences." 

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