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Local land charges - fees

Revised local land charge search fees. Effective from 1 October 2021.

Residential properties

Standard SearchNet feeVATTotal fee
Complete search£119.50£20.50£140.00
Each additional property£27.50£5.50£33.00


Part II Enquiries

 Net FeeVATTotal Fee
Each  Enquiry (CON29O)£19.17£3.83£23.00


Expedited Searches

Add an additional £38 to the full cost of the search.

Commercial Properties

 Net feeVATTotal fee
Complete search£230.83£36.17£267
Each additional property£27.50£5.50£33

Part II Enquiries

 Net feeVATTotal fee
Each printed enquiry£19.17£3.83£23


Expedited Searches

This is limited to standard residential searches. There is no facility to expedite a commercial search.

Our VAT number for your records is 178210271

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