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Green household bin

What you can put in your green bin:

Please recycle as much as you can in your blue bin. Find out what you can recycle.

Most general household waste items that cannot be recycled can go in your green bin. This includes:

  • Tissue paper or wallpaper
  • Pizza boxes
  • Textiles - old clothes, tea towels and towels
  • Nappies
  • Plastic films - such as cling film, bread wrappers, crisp packets, biscuit wrappers, vegetable wrappings and magazine wrappings
  • Hard plastic - such as toys, kitchenware and CD or DVD cases
  • Wrapping paper and glittery cards and other glittery items
  • Polystyrene
  • Medical waste - non-infectious medical waste such as nappies and incontinence pads, dressings and related packaging
  • Light bulbs wrapped in paper. Alternatively they can be taken to the Household Waste and Recycling Centre to be recycled.

What you can NOT put in the bin:

  • Any type of batteries - they can cause fires. Instead, take them to:
  • Disposable vapes - they contain batteries and can cause fires. Instead please take them to:
  • Small electrical items containing batteries - they can cause fires. Instead, take them to:
  • Hazardous waste - such as poison and chemicals
  • Asbestos
  • Electrical items - such as electrical plug, microwaves, irons and toasters
  • Gas bottles
  • Inhalers - used inhalers should be returned to a pharmacy to be disposed of safely
  • Motor vehicle parts
  • Brick/rubble
  • Soil or large branches
  • Commercial waste
  • Infectious and other clinical waste like used needles  - seek advice from your nurse practitioner on their disposal

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