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Financial abuse and how to report it

Financial Abuse includes: 

  • having money or other property stolen 
  • being defrauded 
  • being put under pressure in relation to money or other property 
  • having money or other property misused 

It is essential to remember that it is normally presumed that a person has the capacity to make their own decisions, so they must always be at the heart of any action. 

Where a person lacks capacity then raising a concern means action can be taken to prevent further abuse. In all cases, reporting a concern means that all the relevant help, information and support can be provided. 

Reporting a concern 

Here are some examples of the types of concern and the ways in which you can raise them. 

Concern: An adult at risk has been financially abused and the abuse is a crime. The 'victim' has capacity and wants to report to the police. 

Action: Report to the police by ringing 101 - For further information about the non-emergency police number, visit the Northumbria Police ( website. 

Concern: An adult at risk might have been financially abused and there is reason to believe they may NOT have capacity to report it themselves. 

Action: Report as a Safeguarding Adults Concern. The Safeguarding Adults Team will liaise with the Council's Financial Safeguarding Team. 

Concern: The Appointee of an adult at risk might be financially abusing the individual. 

Action: Report as a Safeguarding Adults Concern. The Safeguarding Adults Team will liaise with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Council's Financial Safeguarding Team. 

Concern: An attorney acting under a registered Enduring Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney, or a Deputy appointed by the Court of Protection is financially abusing an adult at risk. 

Action: Report as a Safeguarding Adults Concern. The Safeguarding Adults Team will report to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) and liaise with the Council's Financial Safeguarding Team. 

Concern: An adult at risk has been financially abused by the manager and or owner of a CQC Regulated Service. 

Action: Report as a Safeguarding Adults Concern Report a safeguarding concern and also to Care Quality Commission on 03000 616161. 

Concern: An adult at risk has been the victim of a bogus caller/ distraction burglar. 

Action: Report to police on the non-emergency number - 101 - and report a safeguarding concern. 

Concern: An adult at risk has been the victim of a scam.  

Action: Report to Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline, telephone 03454 04 05 06 

Report a safeguarding concern

Find out further information about the responsibilities and role of attorneys and deputies at Office of the Public Guardian.  


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