Emotional wellbeing
Feeling good mentally is just as important as feeling good physically. Emotional health plays a huge role in how we all think, feel and behave.
Poor emotional health and wellbeing can lead to stress, anxiety and depression and panic attacks, and can make it difficult for you to feel positive about your daily life and maintain good relationships with family, friends and colleagues.
Having access to advice about your emotional health can be valuable, and many people find that talking their problems over with someone is extremely helpful.
Help, advice and support in Sunderland
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year.
There are various groups that are providing - have a look at what's available and happening in your neighbourhood.
The website Wellbeing information has advice and information to help you look after your mental wellbeing.
Emotional health and resilience training is also available to anyone who lives, works or volunteers in the city through the Sunderland Health Champions Programme
A Life Worth Living half day training sessions are available for people living, working and volunteering in Sunderland who wish to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence with regard to suicide prevention.
If you would like further information, you may find the links below useful:
Time to change is England's biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.
Five ways to wellbeing gives you the give steps you need to take to improve your emotional wellbeing
NHS choices gives you practical advice and useful information to support you on your way to feeling better.
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way - about whatever's getting to you.
NHS - Every Mind Matters simple and practical ways to ease anxiety, manage stress, lift your mood and sleep better.
Washington Mind providing mental health and wellbeing support, services and training for our local community.
Links for Life Sunderland helping people live the best life they can, by creating healthy, happy communities and supporting them to link to local services.