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Reporting as a professional or agency

The link to this online form Rented Property - Report from another Organisation can be used by professionals and partners, both internal and external to Sunderland City Council.

This may include the fire service, the police, mental health workers, social workers, housing allocations or housing option teams etc.  

The form can be used where the professional or partner wishes to refer / report a privately rented property to the Environmental Health housing team in relation to concern with the internal living conditions of the privately rented tenants. This form can also be used to request an assessment of the dwelling for suitability in terms of overcrowding or of a resettlement scheme such as homes for Ukraine or to report an alleged illegal eviction.  

This form is not for a tenant to use but for a professional or agency who may be working along side the tenant. As such it is important that the professional or partner has obtained consent from the tenant of the dwelling before making the report and ensure that you have to hand information such as the name and contact details of the tenant, the address of the property and the name and contact details of the landlord / person who receives the rent.

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