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Dorothy is a retired teacher who has lived in Sunderland all her life. She says despite loving her long and rewarding career, she enjoys retirement even more. Here she tells us why.

There are more opportunities for retirees than there have ever been. So many people reach this stage of their life and thrive on the freedom they now have to pursue their interests and hobbies and find new ones.

This is what Ageing Well is all about. By having a "can do" attitude, it isn't difficult to find things to do in and around Sunderland that will enrich your life and help make new friends.

In 2014, I joined Washington Village u3a. The organisation was set up to help the retired and semi-retired "learn, laugh, live". I chose to join this branch of the u3a because of the range of interest groups on offer. The walking group I joined arranges two walks a month. We all have the opportunity to lead the rest of the group. In doing so, we cover all the areas of Sunderland including Washington and the Coalfields as well as parts of Durham and Northumberland.

More recently, I've joined Wearside Field Club which is based in Fulwell. We have monthly talks and group walks which are as inclusive as possible. When we organise a coach trip, there is always an option for the non-walkers to enjoy so that no one is left out.

Local history is a big passion of mine. I produced a booklet on St Peter's Sculpture Trail and I regularly lead walks to show off this jewel on our doorstep. Another walk I like to lead is around the East End of Sunderland taking in the Donnison School, the Maritime Museum and 1719 (formerly the Holy Trinity Church) and Trafalgar Square. I love to see people's reactions when they see the number of Blue Plaques in that area.

I'm a Companion with the cancer charity Daft as a Brush. It's a free patient transport service. If you ever see one of the distinctive, brightly coloured ambulances in our city, be sure to give us a wave.

My sister moved to Hampshire over forty years ago and we regularly travel to each other's homes. Sometimes, we meet in London for a short break and fit in as much sightseeing as possible.

My trips to Atlanta to visit my grandson, are a big treat for me. I've made friends over there and I've even joined the local walking group.

Everyone has two lives and the second begins when we realise we only have one! How true that is. I'm determined to do as much as I can, while I can and share my passion for the city that's always been my home.
















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