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Resident given hefty fine for failing to comply with fly-tipping investigation

A Washington resident who failed to co-operate with a council investigation into fly-tipping has been ordered to pay out more than £1,900 by magistrates.

Fly-tipped waste in Winster in Washington

Environmental enforcement officers from Sunderland City Council found evidence linked to Josh Bush of Belton Close, Washington, when they investigated the dumping of a number of black bags of waste in a car park at Winster in Washington.

Mr Bush was issued with a notice legally obliging him to attend an interview with council officers to answer questions relating to the offence but failed to attend claiming he had simply forgotten.

After pleading guilty at South Tyneside Magistrates Court to failing to provide assistance to the Enforcement Team with their investigations into the incident, he was fined £1000 and ordered to pay a £400 victim surcharge, £150 legal costs, £124 compensation and £270 enforcement costs.

In a separate case at South Tyneside Magistrates Court, a Fencehouses resident was ordered to pay out more than £600 in fines and costs for allowing his vehicle to be used in a fly-tipping incident in Sunrise Lane, Houghton.

Sunderland City Council brought the prosecution after Ryan Bell of Avenue Vivian, Fencehouses, failed to pay a fixed penalty notice for the offence.

He was found guilty of being in a position to control a vehicle from which controlled waste was unlawfully deposited, in contravention of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This followed an earlier prosecution against the driver of the vehicle.

In two other cases in the same court, a Millfield resident was ordered to pay over £690 for failing to pick up dog fouling in Lumley Street Millfield. While a Thorney Close resident was ordered to pay £375 for not having her dog on a lead in the Thorndale Road Park and Play Area, which is a restricted area which requires dogs to be on a lead at all times.

Councillor Claire Rowntree, Deputy Leader of Sunderland City Council and Cabinet Member for Clean Green City, said: "We hope that these fines send out a clear message that the City Council takes a zero tolerance approach to fly tipping and dog fouling and that we can and will take action against those responsible.

"We know how important the environment is to our residents who take pride in where they live. We'd encourage residents who come across any incidents of environmental crime to help us tackle this behaviour and keep our community clean by reporting them to the enforcement team."

People can report any issues by calling 0191 5205550 or visiting


9 February 2024

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