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Scaffolding on the highway terms and conditions

Conditions of permit


Scaffolding/Hoarding is erected to provide safe working conditions for those involved in building works. However, it should be noted that the conditions laid down by the relevant sections of the Highways Act 1980 are for the protection of the general public and powers exist to enforce them by the stopping of work on a scaffold/hoarding or by the ordering of the scaffold/hoarding to be dismantled should the conditions not be complied with. Should a person fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the licence he is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine under Sections 169(5) and 172(5) of the Act.

Safety Conditions to be met for Scaffold/Hoardings:

1.  Any scaffold structure on or over a footway that continues to be used by the public must have a minimum clear headroom of 2.6 metres. Cross bracing below this height will not be allowed due to the potential danger to those with impaired vision. Cross bracing at ground level is not permitted under normal circumstances. If it is required for the integrity of the structure then an unobstructed close-boarded or sheet timber walking platform is to be provided whilst maintaining a clear headroom of 2.6 metres.

All scaffolding below a height of 1.6 metres shall be adequately colour contrasted by using 'warning' adhesive tape or by painting in white or bright yellow.

Any projections or protruding parts shall be adequately covered or padded to prevent possible injury to the public.

2.  A minimum width of unobstructed footway of 1.5 metres shall be maintained in busy pedestrian areas. A minimum of 1.2 metres unobstructed footway may be deemed acceptable at less busy locations. In essence, safe access must be maintained for users in wheelchairs, users with prams or buggies and small children and users with guide dogs.

Tapping boards and handrails shall be provided for the full length of the structure except for access points.

3.  If it is not practical to provide a safe route through the scaffold/hoarding structure an alternative route must be provided around the structure to provide a safe passage. If pedestrians have to be diverted onto the carriageway they must be separated from moving traffic by a suitable physical barrier and the safe passage signed and guarded in accordance with the Department for Transport's Chapter 8 Safety at Street Works and Roadworks Manual and to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration or his representative.

4.  If any part of a scaffold or hoarding lower than 4.9 metres comes within 0.5 metres of the kerb, a temporary kerb shall be provided to give an additional 0.5 metre clearance. No part of a scaffold or hoarding below a height of 4.9 metres shall overhang the carriageway.

Any scaffold or hoarding in the carriageway is to be protected by large timbers secured independently of the structure giving 0.5 metres clearance and the ends of the timbers and bands at 6 metre intervals are to be marked with yellow paint.

If the erection of a scaffold or hoarding reduces the carriageway width to less than 5.5 metres the carriageway is to be purposely reduced to a width of 3.7 metres and temporary traffic light control installed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of City Services or his representative.

5.  An overhead panel or platform shall be provided to protect pedestrians from falling objects.

Should the structure be used for the washing down of a building it must be completely sheeted to protect the public and provision must be made to for any run off water to be discharged safely away from the highway.

6.  Any structure shall be adequately secured in place and able to withstand all expected loadings / stresses.

7.  Warning signs with the legend 'DANGER - MEN WORKING ABOVE' must be displayed at each end of the structure.

The name and address and telephone contact number of the Licensee shall be clearly displayed on the structure.

8.  The structure must be lit during the hours of darkness (that is to say that period between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise) with red warning lights at each end and at every 6 metres. A gantry must have white lights under it if the area is accessible by the public.

9.  Doors or access points within the structure shall not open onto the highway.

10.  Fire hydrants or other similar apparatus must not be enclosed by the structure without prior consent from the relevant authority.

11.  All scaffold tubes on the highway shall be supported on base plates. Sole plates must also be used where the loading may in any way damage the highway surface.

12.  The structure shall be erected and dismantled without causing obstruction to the highway (e.g. outside of rush hour / peak periods).

After dismantling the site shall be cleared and restored to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of City Services or his representative. Any damage to the highway shall be made good at the Licensee's expense.

13.  Evidence of Public Liability Insurance Cover for a minimum value of £5 million is required.

14.  The City of Sunderland shall be indemnified against any claim, actions, proceedings or loss or damage arising as a result of the presence of any hoarding and or scaffold structure hereby permitted.


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