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Kathy Pickering

I lived in Sunderland for 40 years before moving just outside of Sunderland to a more rural area, where I had a large garden and grew my own fruit and veg, for over 30 years, living the "Good Life. 

When it became more difficult to manage the house and garden, my husband and I returned to Sunderland, to an apartment with no garden to work in. 

I was already involved with Friends of Hetton Lyons Country Park and still am today. I have since joined Friends of Roker Park and enjoy volunteering with both groups. 

Most of my life I have been a cyclist having met my husband in a cycling club.  I am currently an Advocate for Cycling UK and represent the City of Sunderland.

My other great interest is genealogy and I have been researching my family tree and many others, for over 30 years. I have reached a point where I have many brick walls which I am trying to breakdown down, through DNA. There is so much to learn about this subject and I am just beginning to get to grips with YDNA.

I am also a member of a reading group and enjoy reading a variety of genre. I have tried to keep fit for most of my life and currently enjoy Pilates and cycling as my main methods of doing so.

I am looking forward to being a reporter with "We'ar Shining the Light" and learning new skills associated with this.

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