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Winter bird surveys at Elemore reveal promising results

Elemore Bird Locations Map

The above map shows good areas to focus on in Elemore Park which usually have decent assemblages of birds present. The arrows on the left pointing into the field are where owls (little owl and barn owl) can sometimes be perched in the trees as viewed from the site boundary.

On a recent ecologists Wintering Bird Survey visit (November 2021), influxes of migratory thrushes (redwing, fieldfare etc) were observed using the site and could be seen foraging in the area marked up on the map, along the western boundary.

The site appears to be on a popular flight path so anything could drop in over the winter period. Visitors should focus on areas with good berry crops for foraging thrushes and wet/boggy areas of grassland along ditches, which may attract species like jack snipe.

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