Job and money support services
Advice and Support
Help and advice for employers and employees. Provides clear and confidential guidance about and kind of query about relationship issues in the workplace. You may want to know about employment rights and rules, best practice or you may need advice about a dispute. Visit or call 0300 123 1100.
The websites of all government departments and many other agencies and public bodies have been merged into GOV.UK. The site has numerous links to services and information. Visit
JobCentre Plus
You can contact the JobCentre about new and existing benefit claims and changing or cancelling an appointment. The Sunderland jobcentre offers benefits and job finding support services including:
- Universal Jobmatch
- Income support
- Jobseekers allowance
- Employment support allowance
- Universal Credit
Visit or call 0800 169 0190.
National Careers Service
This service can help you develop your career with specially designed tools to help you move on in your career. The website enables you to assess your own skills, explore over 800 career profiles and look for learning and training opportunities local to you. Visit or call 0800 100 900
Sunderland Information Point
A website offering information, advice and guidance on a range of subjects to support Sunderland residents and their family. Visit
Money and Finance
FISCUS Community Advice
FISCUS is a registered charity in Sunderland which provides advice, crisis support and community services in Sunderland and the wider North East. Advisers offer weekly appointments at their main office and outreach settings and can discuss a range of topics in a confidential and supportive setting. Areas covered include debt management, living in crisis or in need of urgent help, budgeting, money MOT, Benefits advice, looking for work and community volunteering. Visit or call 07983 355 212
Gentoo - Money Matters Team
The Moneymatters Team provides a wrap-around service to Gentoo tenants who require additional financial help and support. Visit, email, call 0300 123 2004, or text 'MONEY' followed by your name to 07860 022 026.
Money Helper
Free and impartial money and debt advice, set up by government. Visit or call 0800 138 7777.
StepChange Debt Charity
StepChange offer free expert advice to people with a range of debt problems. Visit or call 0800 138 111.
Welfare Rights Advice
Age UK Sunderland
Offers information and advice on health, social care, housing and adaptations. Visit
Sunderland and Washington - call 0191 514 1131 or email
Coalfields - call 0191 526 9274 or email
Citizens Advice Sunderland
Helps people resolve their legal, money and other related problems by providing free information and advice. Offices are located in Sunderland and Washington. Visit, call the Advice Line on 0300 330 1194, ot the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 144 8444.
ICOS welfare benefit and advice
Providing advice and advocacy to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people in the North East, especially recent migrants. Visit, call 07596538482 or email
Sunderland City Council Residents Support Services
The Residents Support Service gives debt, benefit, housing and money advice. Visit , or call Home and money on 0191 520 5551, or Health and wellbeing on 0191 520 5552.