Overindulged during lockdown?
While being in lockdown has given us time at home and time with our loved ones, it has also given us time in close proximity to the fridge and biscuit barrel (or even the drinks cabinet!). While this is not an issue for many, there will be some of us who have found it hard to resist the temptation to overindulge just a little, especially without our weekly trips to The Social to see Pete Tate and hop on the body analyser.
Maybe a lockdown birthday, anniversary or some other occasion brought lots of deliveries of wine and chocolates that are vanishing quicker than they would normally?
If you are worried about overindulging or just want a confidential chat about how much you are eating and drinking while you are working from home, the Coaching Team are here to support you and help you get through lockdown as best you can.
They offer sessions as a video call, or you can always talk by telephone or even by email, they are here to listen to you.
To get in touch email: coaching.team@sunderland.gov.uk
For more help with physical activity and diet (and a range of other heath and wellbeing issues) don't forget you can get in touch with Pete Tate on peter.tate@sunderland.gov.uk