Construction in schools
THOUSANDS of Sunderland students are learning more about local businesses and the career opportunities available to them.

They are also learning new work and employment skills through a multi-award winning employability programme - Building My Skills.
St Robert's of Newminster Academy in Washington has received its Building My Skills programme launch. Students will take part in five further career guidance sessions, delivered by different business guests including GT3 Architects and law firm Watson Burton, all as part of the academic year.
A year ago, the second phase of the multi-million pound Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor (SSTC) was completed with the opening of the Northern Spire over the River Wear.
In June this year, Sunderland City Council appointed local contractor Esh Civils to deliver the SSTC3 dual carriageway link into the city centre from south of the Northern Spire through Pallion, Deptford and Millfield. The £35m road will link up with St Mary's Boulevard at Silksworth Row.
As part of the dual carriageway contract, the City Council set out 'social value clauses', one of which was that the contractor was to deliver an education programme.
Esh Civils is now delivering a comprehensive social value package which includes work at city schools.
The City Council's Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Amy Wilson said: "Council contracts are not just about price and quality. Having social value contracts allows the council to also set down wider social and environmental benefits when suppliers are chosen.
"In our tendering process for SSTC3 the council asked suppliers to think what more they could do and deliver for the community?
"I'm pleased to report that following the contract award, various social value programmes are now being delivered across Sunderland city schools and colleges."
As well as Building My Skills, Esh are also delivering 'Get into STEM' (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which engages Early Years and Key Stage 1 students in construction, through an interactive workshop and a construction-themed resource kit.
More than 2,000 students from 13 Sunderland secondary schools will participate in the Building My Skills programme across the 19/20 academic year with STEM sessions being booked into 19 local primary schools.