Common issues with registers to consider:
- There should be a contractor's awareness poster in the reception area.
- The contractors should be asked to sign the asbestos register and this should be for everyone for every day they are on site.
- Periodic asbestos checks should be carried out by the SAMO as detailed in section 8 of your register and copies kept in this section.
- Updates which are sent out by the team need to be filed in the asbestos register and the old paperwork removed and disposed of (some of the updates are lying in the front of the files).
Do not duplicate your asbestos register. There should only be one copy on site which should be readily available for everyone to access. Having more than one copy can create confusion and possibly mis-interpretation.
If you have any queries with regards to the above, or need any further posters or paperwork please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your register should contain the following (as a minimum):
- A plan of your building and asbestos information from the database.
- Site Specific Asbestos Management Plan (this should be reviewed annually).
- Priority Risk Assessment (detailing all known asbestos on site, risk rating and comments relating to specific items and areas).
- Contacts sheet (particularly important for academies and church schools as this gives details of the Duty Holder and Responsible Person)
- Signing in sheet for contractors and anyone who may disturb the fabric of the building.
- Periodic inspection form - this needs to be carried out every 3, 6, 12 months (if in doubt, please contact the Asbestos Manager for clarification).
- Works notification form - this is to be completed 21 days prior to any works being carried out independently of Property Services (this is important).
- Registration of disturbances - in the instance of a disturbance, this will need to be completed.
- At the back of the register there is space for filing asbestos awareness certificates, code of practice, copies of any air monitoring certificates etc.
For any problems, queries or advice, please do not hesitate to contact Caroline Bage, Asbestos Manager on: 0191 561 2712 or email: