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Stepping Out Together

Sunderland and other local councils have assisted in the development and production of 'Stepping Out Together.

The booklet is distributed free of charge to the parent or carer of every three year old child in the city. It is now recognised nationally as an effective and attractive publication raising awareness of the basic principles of road safety.

It is often the case that a child does not know how to react in the face of danger or when confronted with an emergency situation. For this reason, parental, pre-school, and in-school tuition and training are of paramount importance.

Road safety education in schools

Road accidents are the biggest single cause of death for all children aged between one and fifteen years. The UK has one of the worst child pedestrian fatality rates in Europe.

We encourage and support the classroom teacher in the delivery of road safety education in school in the following areas:

  • Pre-service and in-service training for teachers and support staff
  • Assistance in the development of school policies and plans
  • Curriculum planning and support

In the last ten years, the car has become the main mode of transporting children to and from school. Convenience, work commitments, safety concerns and general changes in lifestyle are just some of the factors influencing this choice of travel.

To halt the gradual decline in the number of children walking to and from school, pupils and parents or carers are encouraged to walk to school whether it is for one day, one week or on regular occasions throughout the year. Children of primary school age engage in classroom activities which promote walking as fun.

Remember: Fewer cars means increased safety for our children.

If you would further information please contact the City and neighbourhood team.

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