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Cameras and speed limits

Cameras help to reduce speed and increase the safety or pedestrians and other drivers.

Speed of traffic

If you raise a concern over the speed of traffic in a specific area, we will carry out an assessment of speeds driven in that area. We will consider the data and decide on an appropriate course of action. We will then inform you of our intended course of action.

The most common forms of action that the council is likely to take are:

  • If the speeds are similar or lower than on other similar roads elsewhere in the city, we will take no further action
  • If the speed of traffic is substantially above the speed limit, we will inform the police
  • We can also consider implementing traffic calming measures


Speed cameras

There are now cameras monitoring vehicle speeds on most major routes into Sunderland. It is now more accepted that a 30mph limit should be maintained in a busy urban area in any part of the country.

There are variations to the speed limit here in Sunderland which are always clearly marked.

Some 20mph zones exist in residential areas which help to reduce the risk of road accidents.

If you would like further information you can contact the City and neighbourhood team.



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