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Legislation Summary

This page gives an outline of those activities that need to be lice censed under the Licensing Act 2003.

More detail can be found at the Home Office

You need to obtain a premises licence from us if you want to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or supply late night refreshment at any premises in the council area.

Alternatively, if you are a qualifying club, you will need a club premises certificate.

The requirement for this licence comes from the Licensing Act 2003, under which we act as the licensing authority for premises located with the council's area.

Regulated entertainment

  • A performance of a play
  • An exhibition of a film
  • An indoor sporting event
  • Boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • A performance of live music in certain circumstances
  • Any playing of recorded music in certain circumstances
  • A performance of dance
  • Entertainment of a similar description falling within the last three categories (but only where the entertainment takes place in the presence of and for the purposes of entertaining that audience or spectators).


Late night refreshment

'Late night refreshment' means the supply of hot food or drink to members of the public (whether for consumption on or off the premises) between the hours of 11.00pm and 5.00am.

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