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Mayoral protocol


The following information is intended to assist organisers of functions which are to be attended by the Mayor and Consort or Deputy Mayor and Deputy Consort.

Arrival of the Mayor and Mayoress

The Mayor and Consort will normally arrive 5 minutes before the commencement of the Function. The Mayor and Consort should be met on arrival by a responsible representative of the organisation holding the function, who should escort and introduce them to the host and the assembled company as appropriate. The host should remain in attendance throughout the entire duration of the visit or appoint another colleague to fulfil this role. 

Correct form of address

The correct style and title of the Mayor is:

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Allison Chisnall and the Consort of the City of Sunderland, Mr Alistair Thomson.

In person the Mayor and Consort should be addressed as:

Madam Mayor
Mr Consort

Please note Alistair cannot eat spicy foods and Tracey cannot eat seafood.

The Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor is styled:
The Deputy Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Ehthesham Haque (Haque pronounced as Hack) and The Deputy Consort of the City of Sunderland, Mr Ashraf Haque.

In person the Deputy Mayor should be addressed as:

Deputy Mayor
Mr Consort

If you prefer not to address people using pronouns it would be:

Deputy Mayor of Sunderland
Deputy Consort of Sunderland

Please note the Deputy Mayor has a nut allergy meaning he cannot ingest nuts or any foods with a trace of nuts in it, also he does not eat pork.

Where the Consort is not available to attend engagements, the Deputy Mayor will attend with a companion instead.


The Mayor is the first citizen of the City of Sunderland and in any formal seating arrangements (dinners, luncheons, meetings and social events) the Mayor/Deputy Mayor should be seated on the immediate right of the host.

However, if a member of the Royal Family or the Lord-Lieutenant were present, they would be given precedence over the Mayor. 


If the Mayor is required to speak at a function, it is preferred that we have at least three weeks' notice.  Except from an introduction, it is normal for the Mayor to be the first speaker or to be associated with the first toast. All relevant information concerning the event should be supplied to the Mayor's Office via an Invite the Mayor Form together with details of any proposed activity involving the Mayor for agreement.


Where possible a parking space should be reserved for the Mayor's car as near to the venue entrance as possible and details included on the Invite the Mayor Form. The Mayor will usually be accompanied by a Mayoral Support Assistant/Driver who is required to remain on duty within easy call by the Mayor. 

Church Services

The Mayor should be met at the entrance to the church and escorted to the front pew on the righthand side. (At funeral services it is normal for family mourners to occupy the front righthand pew and for the mayoral party to take the left). 

Visits to Schools or Meetings

Where appropriate the organiser should arrange for those present to rise upon the Mayor's entrance and again on his departure. 

Cloakroom Facilities

Where cold or inclement weather involves the Mayor arriving in outdoor clothing, the provision of cloakroom facilities on their arrival would be appreciated. 

If you require further information about protocol, please contact:

The Mayor's Office
Sunderland City Council
City Hall
Plater Way

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