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Unitary Development Plan Alteration No. 2

Sunderland City Council adopted the Core Strategy and Development Plan (2015-2033) on 30 January 2020.  As a result, the Core Strategy and Development Plan supersedes some policies of the Unitary Development Plan Alteration No. 2 (UDP) as the adopted development plan for Sunderland.

A number of UDP Alteration No. 2 policies have been retained and will be used alongside the Core Strategy and Development Plan until they are replaced by the forthcoming Allocations and Development Plan.  A schedule of the saved UDP Alteration No. 2 policies can be found in Appendix 1 of the Core Strategy and Development Plan.

To view the saved UDP Alteration No. 2 policies, alongside the other adopted development plan policies, please use the Council's Interactive Local Plan Policies Map.  The User Guide provides further assistance on how to use the interactive map.

User Guide (pdf) (PDF) [144KB]

Adopted Policies Full Document (pdf) (PDF) [22MB]

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