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Unoccupied and furnished property

An unoccupied, furnished property or a second home is not normally entitled to a discount.

In some circumstances you may be entitled to a 50% discount if your main home or a second home is job related.

Job related accommodation

To qualify for the discount, the property must be provided by the employer and the job related property must be either:

  • Necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the employment that the employee should reside in that dwelling
  • Provided for the better performance of the duties of the employment, and it is one of the kinds of employment where it is customary for the employer to provide a property to an employee, or;
  • There is a special threat to the employee's security, special security arrangements are in force and the employee lives in the property as part of those security arrangements

You must provide a contract of employment or a letter from your employer confirming the property is provided by them and explaining why it is necessary for you to live there.

Armed forces discount:

  • A property which is unoccupied because the person who would normally live there is serving in the armed forces and is living in accommodation provided by the armed forces

To apply for this discount please supply the details required by:

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