Multi agency risk assessment conferences
Multi agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC) procedures 2017 (MARAC) provide support to those at high risk of serious harm from domestic abuse.
The MARAC brings together a range of agencies to share information and the views of victims to develop safety and support plans for high risk victims of domestic abuse.
The MARAC system is a process which aims to allow statutory and voluntary agencies to give a consistent and structured response to managing the risk posed by perpetrators in cases of Domestic Abuse. It is used to consider cases of domestic abuse that are categorised as High Risk.
The system runs alongside other recognised structured processes in place to manage the risks to other groups of the population, including the SSCB Safeguarding Children Procedures and Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) for highest risk offenders.
Within a MARAC, relevant agencies are able to share up to date risk information, with a comprehensive assessment of a victim's needs and decide upon the most appropriate way to reduce or manage the identified risks around each case of Domestic Abuse that is the subject of a MARAC. The meeting links those directly to the provision of appropriate services for all those involved in a Domestic Abuse case: victim, children and perpetrator.
A MARAC will:
- Share information to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of victims - adults and their children;
- Determine whether the perpetrator poses a significant risk to any particular individual or to the general community;
- Construct jointly and implement a risk management plan that provides professional support to all those at risk and that reduces the risk of harm;
- Reduce repeat victimisation;
- Improve agency accountability;
- Improve support for staff involved in high risk domestic abuse cases;
- Identify those situations that indicate a need for the SSAB Safeguarding Adults Procedures or SSCB Safeguarding Children Procedures to be initiated.
Cases can be referred into a MARAC by any agency signed up to the MARAC protocol. Only cases that fall within the High Risk category should be referred to a MARAC.
All agencies should follow the Sunderland Safeguarding Children Board Procedures on Domestic Violence and Abuse (opens new window).
Domestic abuse referral pathways
A guidance document has been developed as a good practice guide for all multi-agency staff working with children, families and vulnerable people who may be living with domestic abuse in Sunderland. This includes those working with adults at risk of abuse or neglect and those at risk of sexual exploitation. The guide also provides guidance on carrying out a risk assessment and how and where to make referrals according to the levels of risk and vulnerability.
External Links
Sunderland Safeguarding Children Board Procedures on Domestic Violence and Abuse (opens new window)