Adult services strategies and policies

In this section you can learn about the main plans and strategies that guide our work and how we work with partners in delivering services across the city.

Adult Social Care Vision and Strategy

Our Vision and Strategy document sets out details of our priorities to 2024 and what we will do to achieve these. This was developed using what we know internally, from our partners and residents.

It includes three main priorities and links to other Council strategic plans including Living and Ageing Well and the City Plan.

Adult Social Care Strategy (PDF, 1 MB) 

Our Vision

Sunderland is a fantastic, forward-looking city undergoing significant transformation and economic regeneration. It has a global reputation as a welcoming and inclusive place in which to live, work, invest and play.

To guide continued progress over the next decade, we have developed a City Plan which provides the blueprint for all partners and communities to work together, to address the economic and social challenges that Sunderland faces so that the city and its people can achieve their full potential.

Sunderland City Council's vision:

'By 2030 Sunderland will be a connected, international city with opportunities for all.'

The vision for Adult Social Care is synonymous with the three key themes of the City Plan.

  • A dynamic smart city with more and better jobs, a low-carbon economy, and a great choice of housing
  • A leading digital city, deploying smart and sustainable technologies for the benefit of residents, businesses, and visitors
  • A healthy, smart city where people will live healthier, independent lives for longer with more resilient people feeling safe in their homes and neighbourhoods. There will be a range of opportunities for people to participate in their communities and in cultural events and activities

For adult social care this means Sunderland will be a city that:

  • Promotes independence and participation building on people's strengths
  • Gives people choice and control over their lives
  • Supports carers and families
  • Supports the social care market and its workforce to deliver an excellent level of care and recognises the contribution of social care to the economy in the city
  • Places an emphasis on collaboration with partners to meet needs
  • People feel safe and are safeguarded when needed

Within our vision we have identified three key priorities and associated actions that will achieve this vision:

Priority 1: We will support people to live independently

Priority 2: We will support people to regain independence

Priority 3: We will help people to live with support

 Adult Social Care Strategy (PDF, 1 MB)

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The JSNA helps us to understand the key issues facing people in Sunderland and is used to help identify key strategic priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of our population.

Sunderland Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)

Learning Disabilities Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Jan 24 (PDF, 318 KB)

Other Strategies, Policies and Plans

Carers Strategy (PDF, 2 MB)

Sensory Support Communications Strategy

Falls Strategy (PDF, 2 MB)

Living Well Policy (PDF, 65 KB)

Ageing Well Policy (PDF, 50 KB)

Adult Services Prevention Strategy 2023-24

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