School Streets
School Streets
What is a School Street and how does it work?
A School Street is an area of carriageway outside of a school in which there is a legal restriction on motorised vehicles entering the area during drop-off and pick-up times.
During timed road closures the area becomes a pedestrian and cycle only zone, the operating times and restrictions are shown on signage at the entrance to the restricted zone. There are some exemptions to the restrictions, which are:
- Residents within the School Street zone
- Blue badge holders (when their destination is within the School Street zone)
- Emergency vehicles
- Carers and healthcare workers serving properties within the School Street zone
- Council waste trucks serving properties within the School Street zone
- Postal service vehicles serving post boxes within the School Street zone
- Statutory undertakers (such as water and gas companies) attending emergency works within the School Street zone
- School buses and school transport serving the school within the School Street zone
- Taxis (Hackney Carriage and private hire) serving properties within the School Street zone
St. Bede's School Street pilot update
In April 2022, Sunderland City Council launched the first School Streets pilot scheme outside St Bede's Primary School, Washington. New signs were installed on the junction of Haversham Place and Warwick Drive, making Haversham Place and Hampshire Place pedestrian and cycle only zones during school drop-off and pick-up times (Monday - Friday 8am - 9am and 2.30pm - 3:30pm).
The pilot scheme was introduced under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, which gives the council a maximum of 18-months to make a decision on making the scheme permanent, or reverting back to how it was before, with no restrictions and vehicles being free to enter Haversham Place as they please.

For the first six months council officers were on site during the hours of operation, complimenting the permanent signs with a set of cones and the temporary sign shown above, to physically close the road to motor vehicles. This period was used to give parents and carers an opportunity to get used to the restrictions and ensure only eligible vehicles were allowed through.
Following a bedding in period, the number of physical closures was reduced so that the permanent signs were the only physical features on site warning motorists of the School Street restriction. However, officers still visited site to monitor the behaviour of motorists, with no physical presence preventing them from accessing Haversham Place. Although there were some breaches, the majority of motorists did adhere to the restrictions.
Next Steps
Now that the School Street restriction has been on site for a considerable amount of time, we would like to hear residents' thoughts on the scheme and gain some valuable feedback which will assist the council in making a final decision on making the restrictions permanent. Please complete the form below:
If you require a paper copy of the form please contact