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A690 Durham Road: Two-Way Segregated Cycle Lane

Public Engagement: A690 Durham Road Two-Way Segregated Cycle Lane


Welcome to the public engagement page for the exciting new proposals for the two-way segregated cycle lane along the A690 Durham Road.

The project will be delivered by Sunderland City Council. The aim of the project is to reallocate some of the existing road space to provide full segregation between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to improve and create sustainable transport links in and around the city of Sunderland; while at the same time having no significant impact on motorists by maintaining a two-way vehicle flow along this route.

By separating cyclists and pedestrians and installing natural and physical traffic calming features, reduced speed limits can be introduced. This will increase road safety, mitigate conflict and reduce congestion.

Proposed Development

The proposals will reallocate existing road space to allow for full segregation between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to improve and create safe and sustainable transport links in and around the city.

The proposed two-way cycle lane will run along a rural stretch of the A690 Durham Road, starting at the City of Sunderland Boundary at East Rainton joining the A690 from Old Durham Road via St Michael's.

The route will link on the southern side of the Houghton Interchange at Houghton Road / Dairy Lane.

There will be improved crossing facilities across each slip road with links to Houghton Town Centre shopping area, which has secure cycle storage.

The cycle lane will continue down the slip road, via an on carriageway cycle lane segregated from traffic by a buffer strip. Crossing facilities will be upgraded across Hillside Way, where the route will continue through Houghton Cut, terminating at the Interchange with the A19 and City Way.

Two-way vehicular traffic flow along Durham Road will be retained. This requires the reconfiguration of existing lane markings and re-alignment of existing footways. This is a common method used across the city to maintain free flowing traffic.

Improvements to pedestrian crossings will also be introduced to support the proposals, which will significantly improve safety for all users; this coupled with the reduction of speed limits on minor roads both adjacent to schools and places of interest, will further enhance pedestrian safety.

New secure cycle storage / parking facilities will also be installed along the route and there will be improvements to existing bus stop facilities. This will include the addition of raised bus kerbs to allow user friendly access to public transport for public transport users in the area.

A Health and Prosperous City

The cycle route supports the council's commitment to create a healthy prosperous city, and to promote the use of alternative modes of transport and encourage healthy living by delivering;

• Improved cycle infrastructure

• Encouraging the use of sustainable transport to help reduce carbon emissions

• Improved road safety and reducing pedestrian / vehicle conflict

• Improved accessibility for all highway users

• Maintains the two-way vehicle flow

• Upgraded pedestrian crossing facilities

• Introduction of new cycle parking facilities along the route.

• Improved bus stop facilities through the introduction of raised bus kerbs.


The significance of the proposed scheme and the benefits it will bring have enabled substantial funding to be secured for the delivery of the project from the Department for Transport, The Transforming Cities Find and the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.

Have your say

To  have your say please complete a short questionnaire below.

A690 Cycle Route Consultation Feedback

Comments can also be submitted via email: I&

Please submit your comments by 21 January 2022

Further information

A690 Cycle Route November 2021 Sway Document

A690 Cycle Consultation 1
A690 Cycle Consultation 2
A690 Cycle Consultation 3
A690 Cycle Consultation 4
A690 Cycle Consultation 5
A690 Cycle Consultation 6
A690 Cycle Consultation 7
A690 Cycle Consultation 8
A690 Cycle Consultation 9
North & South proposed Cycle Route

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