Sunderland Healthy City Plan

The Healthy City Plan 2020-2030 is our Health and Wellbeing Boards refreshed statutory Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The 2030 vision for health and wellbeing in Sunderland is: Everyone in Sunderland will have healthy, happy lives, with no one left behind.

Our approach focuses on tackling the social factors of health, 'the causes of the causes' of poor health throughout the life course - starting well, living well, ageing well and addressing inequalities for key vulnerable populations. Together we have a real opportunity to build back fairer.

In the plan we set out a case for change, where the responsibility for the health and wellbeing of our residents goes beyond the health and social care system, with all organisations in the city playing a role in preventing ill health and supporting all our residents to help themselves to be healthy.

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