Regulatory Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA)
Regulatory Investigatory Powers Act
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act protects the Human Rights of suspects and others when it is necessary and proportionate to carry out a covert investigation.
It also protects investigators and the authority from inadvertently breaching Human Rights, by ensuring the evidence we gather is lawfully obtained and admissible in court.
Before you start
RIPA can only be authorised by one of the following:
(Name tbc) (role) - Senior Responsible Officer
Patrick Melia, Chief Executive - Authorising Officer
Elaine Waugh, Assistant Director of Law, and Governance - Corporate Services - Authorising Officer
Paul Davies, Assistant Director of Business and Property Services - Corporate Services - Authorising Officer
Mark Jackson, Assistant Director of Infrastructure, Planning and Transportation, - Authorising Off
Jill Colbert - Chief Executive Director of Children's Services, - Authorising Officer
Local Authorities must obtain Magistrates approval before the RIPA authorisation becomes effective. This applies to authorisations for both Directed Surveillance and CHIS (Covert Human Intelligence Source)
Guidance from the Home Office
Read the following guidance thoroughly before completing a RIPA request form
Acquisition and disclosure of communications
Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources codes of practice
Full Directed Surveillance and CHIS Authorisation document
Directed Surveillance Authorisation
CHIS (Covert Human Intelligence source)
CHIS (Covert Human Intelligence Source)
- Application for authorisation of the conduct or use of a Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS)
- Review of a Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) authorisation
- Application for renewal of a Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) Authorisation
- Cancellation authorisation of the conduct or use of a Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS)