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Further information and key dates

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The timeframe for development and delivery of the UKSPF programme is summarised below.

April to July 2022Development and submission of the Sunderland UKSPF Investment Plan
August to December 2022Government assessment and approval process
18 November 2022-27
January 2023
Application window of the first local call for projects (Communities and Place)
December 2022 to April 2023Call for evidence, stakeholder workshop and preparation of the second local call for projects (People and Skills - support for the economically inactive)
18 April to 9 June 2023Application window for the second local call for projects (People and Skills)
12 June to 21 July 2023Application window for the third local call for projects (Supporting Local Business)
11 January to 23 February 2024Application window for the fourth local call for projects (People and Skills - Improving skills to progress in work and responding to local skills needs)
April 2023 to March 2025Project delivery, performance management and evaluation
March 2025Three-year funding period ends

Further information will be available on the Council's UKSPF webpage as the programme develops.

Please contact us at for any general enquiries on UKSPF or if you have any questions or require further information.

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