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Single Person Discount review

All households within Sunderland City Council area which claim the single person's discount of 25% on their council tax bill are currently being reviewed for their authenticity using data matching technology. This is part of an on-going review to validate single person discount claims and identify and remove those being claimed in error or fraudulently.

Single person discount is worth a minimum of £305.00 per household each year and is given to anyone who claims to be living in a property on their own. Currently over 52100 people in the area claim this discount.

Checks are being carried out to see whether people are genuinely living alone by cross referencing council tax data with other sources of information about households such as, but not limited to, the electoral role register and financial sector information.

Any persons failing to respond to requests for further information in relation to their discount will have their discount withdrawn. If, during the review process, checks indicate another adult is living at the address the discount will be withdrawn.

If you have been sent a review form, you can confirm your details online (opens new window).

To access your form you will need to enter your unique PIN number. You can find your PIN number on the review letter we have sent to you.

Alternatively, you can complete and return your review form to:

Income and Awards Review

Department S4D

Loughborough Road



For more information, read our  Council Tax Review - Frequently Asked Questions (opens new window).

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