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Mayor's biography

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Allison Chisnall.

Cllr Allison Chisnall

During childhood I lived in the north of Sunderland and attended Redhouse Comprehensive School.

Immediately after leaving school, I started a YTS scheme as a cook's assistant in a care home and have been in employment ever since, working in various care homes and shops, and for the last 24 years with an energy company.

During my time with the energy company, I became a trade union representative for UNISON which helped me find my voice, and it encouraged me to be more proactive in my place of work and local community.

In May 2022, I was elected as Councillor for the Castle ward where I spent many happy times as a youngster and feel privileged to represent the constituents in this area.  I am also a governor at Hylton Castle Primary School, a member on the Board of Hylton Castle Trust and Townend Farm Community Centre.

Being Councillor is a busy role with many responsibilities, particularly when working full time and honouring my trade union and other commitments but this also means I can do what I enjoy doing which is helping people.  I am thankful to have the blessing of my family and my supportive partner of 6 years, Alistair, who will also be my Consort during my term in office as the Mayor of Sunderland.

I have two sons and two grandchildren, and since meeting Alistair our family has extended as he also has two sons. We both are very thankful for the support our beautiful children provide as we could not fulfil our commitments without them.

On Wednesday 15 May, I was inaugurated into the role of the Mayor of Sunderland for 2024-2025.  I am being supported by Cllr Ehthesham Haque who was inaugurated into the role of Deputy Mayor.

During my term as the Mayor of Sunderland, I will continue to serve constituents in my ward, I am excited to see what is happening in the city, to meeting new people, and doing all I possibly can to help the great people of Sunderland.

One of the privileges of being Mayor is that you get to choose a few charities close to your heart to support.  My chosen charities and good causes for 2024-2025 are:

  • Castletown Scouts Group
  • Hylton Castle Trust
  • The Royalty Theatre Sunderland

Each of these charities and good causes do their utmost to improve the lives of our young people, they provide family based fun days and activities and run community programmes that helps to instil values, raise aspirations, and educate our future leaders.  I aim to raise the profile of each of my charities, highlight the community engagement work they do and raise much-needed funds for each of them.

If you are a business, charity, community group etc hosting an event that you would like the Mayor to attend, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the Mayor by emailing or by telephone on 07766 367 426 or 07879 020 563.

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