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Litter bins

We are responsible for emptying public litter bins in the city.  We do this through our grounds maintenance and cleansing schedule. The frequency of cleansing does depend on the area and how frequently the bins are used. You can view these schedule below for your area.

Cleansing and grass cutting - City Centre

Cleansing and grass cutting - Coalfields

Cleansing and grass cutting - East

Cleansing and grass cutting - North

Cleansing and grass cutting - Washington

Cleansing and grass cutting - West

Please note dog fouling can be disposed of in all litter bins as well as dog bins.

Report an overflowing litter bin

You can report overflowing litter bins and we will empty it as soon as operationally possible. If it is deemed urgent, we will aim to empty it within one working day.

If the bin contains drug related litter, please contact our Customer Services team on (0191) 5205550. This will allow us to respond as soon as possible.

Report a damaged litter bin

You can report damaged or broken litter bins and we will try to repair or replace it as soon as operationally possible.

Request a new or replacement litter bin You can request a new or replacement litter bin. We will visit the location and decide whether a new or replacement bin is required and if the location is still suitable. New bins will only be installed in areas where they will improve the cleanliness of the area. If we decide a new bin is not required or the location is unsuitable, we may look at the schedules for emptying and cleaning the area instead. If you need to report street and dog bins, please click on the report button below. Our Local Services Team will consider your request and update it with the relevant action to be taken. 

Report litter bins

Reporting litter, debris and leaves

We only respond to requests outside of our maintenance schedule if:

  • Litter, debris or leaves are a nuisance
  • They cause an obstruction on specific, designated council land
  • If we have missed the scheduled maintenance

You can report this on our Litter, debris and leaves web page.

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