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Day services

Day Care and Day Opportunities offer people the chance to take part in meaningful day time activities that can help to develop their social skills, daily living skills, confidence, and self-esteem, contributing to meeting their outcomes and improving their wellbeing.

We work with partners across the city to offer a mix of building-based day care services and community-based day opportunity support.

Day care is generally provided in a day care centre, where people go and spend their time taking part in activities in a building-based environment, supported by staff who work within the centre.

Activities may include cookery, art and IT, as well as more specialist therapeutic support for people who may have more complex care needs.

You can arrange this directly with a provider or ask us to arrange the support for you. If you ask us to arrange this support for you an assessment of your care and support needs will need to be completed to see if you meet the eligible criteria for this support.

Adults needs assessment

The links below provide additional information on day care services available in the City.

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