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Brown garden waste bin

What you can put in the bin:

  • Grass cuttings
  • Weeds and dead plants
  • Twigs and small branches
  • Hedge clippings
  • Cut flowers and houseplants
  • Shrub pruning's
  • Leaves

Please do not place garden waste into a plastic bag and then into your brown garden waste bin as plastic bags cannot be recycled.

What you can NOT put in the bin:

  • Food waste
  • Plastic, plastic packaging or plastic bags (including flower pots and seed trays)
  • Vegetable peelings and/or egg shells
  • Tea bags or coffee grinds
  • Large items of garden waste - such as tree trunks and large branches
  • Wood and timber
  • Soil and rubble
  • Turf

Watch our animation to find out more about what you can and can't put in your brown bin, and also what happens to your garden waste once we have collected it from your brown bin:

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