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Bishopwearmouth Townscape Heritage

Bishopwearmouth Townscape

Bishopwearmouth Townscape Heritage bid

Sunderland City Council was awarded £1.9m from the National Lottery Heritage Fund in June 2018 to undertake a Townscape Heritage Scheme within the Bishopwearmouth Conservation Area until March 2024.

The scheme will help turn the fortunes of the area around by providing grant aid for building restoration and enhancement works, public realm improvements to Town Park and delivering public activities and education. Grants to historic buildings and spaces will address the area's physical heritage needs which along with complimentary strategic investment will underpin its new economic direction. The Town Park will be revitalised through new paving, planting, lighting and street furniture. A range of activities and events will increase understanding of the significance heritage value of the area, helping this have an even higher profile within the city centre.

It is our intention that by improving building condition, townscape appearance, public realm use, and commercial and cultural activity, the area's historic integrity and future resilience will strengthen and the legacy of the investment will be sustained. The council will work collaboratively with key partner organisations and local stakeholders to ensure that the investment brings those parties together to deliver a shared vision, drawing upon networks, knowledge and experience.

The council would like your feedback on your experiences of the Bishopwearmouth area

The results will be used to assess the success of the Townscape Heritage Scheme.

If you'd like to keep up to date on the project please like our Facebook page.

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