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Deputy Mayor's biography

Deputy Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Ehthesham Haque

Deputy Mayor Cllr Ehthesham Haque

Sunderland has been my home since my family relocated from London when I was 10 years old.

I attended Richard Avenue Primary School and Thornhill Comprehensive School. After school I continued my education at Sunderland College, University of Sunderland, and Cambridge University.

My family are a very important part of my life. I live in my family home with my parents and siblings, I have one younger brother and two younger sisters.

I work as a Civil Servant and have always had a keen interest in politics, and a great passion for my local community, which ultimately led to me being elected Ward Councillor for the Barnes ward in 2023.

During my first year as Councillor, I have been a member of the Health and Scrutiny Committee, and I am a proud Governor at Richard Avenue Primary School where I was once a pupil.

I look forward to serving on more committees, gaining a better insight into what is going on in the council and the city I call home, which will only permit me to better serve the constituents in my ward and the wider community.

To be nominated and elected to the Office of Deputy Mayor was an extremely proud point in my life. I very much look forward to supporting the Mayor, Cllr Allison Chisnall in her term as Mayor and am looking forward to becoming the Mayor of Sunderland in 2025/2026.

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