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Holley Park flood alleviation scheme


During heavy rainfall, surface water flows can severely damage properties, schools and businesses.

The Holley Park Flood Alleviation Scheme will help to protect local residents and their properties, and Lambton Primary School from the damaging effects of surface water flooding.

The Hydraulic model image below, shows the extent of the existing flooding:

Holley Park - extent of existing flooding map (pdf)

The work is now substantially complete, and 67 properties are now better protected from flooding.

Sunderland City Council designed the scheme and ARM Pipetek carried out the construction works.

How much the scheme cost

The scheme cost £400 thousand and was funded by the Environment Agency.

What has been constructed 

The proposals are to install clay bunds in Holley Park and Lambton School with filter drains and a new drainage network to discharge to the surface water network abutting Holley Park. Details can be seen in the documents below:

The bunds will hold water behind within the grassed areas during heavy and long periods of rainfall, this water will then drain away slowly into the new drainage system. Most of the time the areas will have little or no water stored.

The Hydraulic model image below, shows the extent of flooding after the scheme:

Holley Park - extent of flooding after scheme map (pdf)

Further information

Unfortunately, not all areas in Holley Park will benefit from the scheme.

It is difficult to get funding where there are isolated properties or just park land at risk from surface water flooding.

For further information contact

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