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Assistive Technology - Good News Story

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May 2019 - How Medication Monitoring and Smart Lighting can give you peace of mind

Molly developed a chronic illness a few years ago which has impacted on her mobility and cognition. Molly was finding it difficult to turn her lights on and off and remember to take her medication. Due to Molly's condition she requires the lights to be turned off when she begins to feel unwell. As Molly is unable to do this independently it often meant that she was sitting in her home in the dark when her husband was working.

Smart lighting and medication monitoring has allowed Molly's husband to continue working full time while having reassurance that his wife is able to take her medication and have more independence in the home.

Putting the technology in place meant that no formal carers were required to be commissioned when Molly's husband was at work.

You can find more information about how to purchase and install Assistive Technology in your own home on Sunderland Information Point.

Visit Sunderland Information Point


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