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Roads - adoption agreements

Adoption of highways is controlled by the Highways Section of City Services.

Adoption issues relating to highways are normally picked up at the very outset of a development at the planning application stage during which the council is made aware of the developer's intentions and the developer is informed of the council's requirements. Agreement between both parties should then be reached in relation to the extent of the highways to be adopted.

It is usual for the developer to enter into an agreement with the council under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 in which the highways will be formally adopted by the council. The procedure necessitates that the development is supervised from the start and that certificates are issued until final completion, at which time the developer is absolved of all his responsibilities in relation to the adopted highway.

The developer is responsible for making a payment or securing a bond for the making up of the roads and also a payment to the council in relation to supervision fees.

If any further information is required in relation to applications for the adoption of highways then please contact the City and neighbourhood team.

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