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Consultation and petitions

Your views really do matter and influence everything from how we provide services to the future of the whole city. You can use our online consultation portal to make your voice heard.

Our aim is to give you an opportunity to play an active role by influencing decisions, shaping the future of services and help understanding of the decisions that are taken.

One of the ways you can give us your views is through consultation. Most of this is done through our online consultation portal but may also include other methods as appropriate.

Find out more about the Council's current consultations, register your interest in future consultations, see what has happened as a result of past consultations, create of sign petitions electronically or find out other ways you can get involved in Area Committees.

To make it easy for you to be involved, we aim to:

  • Be clear about why we are consulting and how we will use the results
  • Only involve people if we are going to make a decision that can be influenced by their involvement
  • Include all relevant sections of the community
  • Look for opportunities to work together and with our partners to avoid duplication
  • Use a range of accessible methods to reach people and ensure they are able to take part
  • Provide people with enough clear information on which to base their responses
  • Give people enough time to get involved
  • Feed-back our findings and how the information collected has been used to inform our decisions
  • Learn from our experiences so that we can improve future practice.

It is important to us that we obtain a diverse range of views. One of the ways we do this is through our equality forums.  

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