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Moving out to provide care

A property that is left unoccupied by a person who has moved to provide care for someone else is exempt from council tax.

You will be exempt if the unoccupied property was your sole or main residence, and you have moved to provide care for someone because of:

  • Old age
  • Disablement
  • Illness
  • Past or present alcohol or drug dependence or;
  • Past or present mental health illness

The move must be permanent. You do not have to live in the same property as the person receiving your care. However, it is essential that you are better able to provide care from your new property than you could have done at the exempt property.

You must have left the property to provide care and cannot have lived elsewhere in between leaving the property and moving to provide care.

To apply for this reduction you need to tell us:

  • When you moved out
  • The address you have moved to
  • Who you are caring for
  • Why they require your care and;
  • Whether the move is permanent

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